

This installation process is temporary, as we wait for Typst to overhaul its process for packaging templates and packages.

Devcontainer / Codespaces

The easiest way to use the Notebookinator is to use our devcontainer/codespace. This will automatically install all of the needed dependencies inside of a Docker container. We recommend using our quick start template for the best experience.


While this approach is easier, you may encounter some performance issues as your notebook increases in size.

The only thing you'll need in preparation is a GitHub account (only if using Codespaces) and VSCode installed. Once you do that, just follow the instructions in the README.

Local Installation

This installation process is a little harder, and requires more software to be manually installed on your computer.

Make sure you have the following software installed:

Once you've installed everything, run the following commands:


If you're running this on Windows, you'll need to run these commands in a sh shell, like git-bash or the shell packaged with Cygwin or GitHub Desktop.

git clone --depth 1 --branch 1.0.1
./notebookinator/scripts/package @local
rm -rf notebookinator

Once you do that you should be good to go!