Contributing a Theme

Before you get started, we ask that you read our contributing guide.

Upon cloning your fork of the Notebookinator, you can find all of the existing themes in the themes/ folder.

Each theme in the themes/ folder follows the same file structure detailed in the previous guide. If you have a theme on hand, just copy it into the themes/ folder. For example, the foo theme's entry point should now be at themes/foo/foo.typ

If you refer to the Notebookinator as a local package anywhere in your theme, make sure to replace those imports with references to the files directly.

For example, if a file imports utils like this:

#import "@local/notebookinator:1.0.1": utils

Replace it with this:

#import "/utils.typ"

If you don't currently have a theme written, follow the previous guide from the beginning, but place the theme folder in the themes/ folder.